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💻 Exercise


  1. On the Shop Now button for the Hero at the top of the page, add a link to any of the previous test pages you have built.
  2. On the Hero 011 section, add a link to the top section of the same page
  3. On the Columns 016 add an anchor link to the text on Text 005
  4. On the Columns 016 add an anchor link to text on the second section on My Test Page (the first page you created)
  5. On the Text 005 section, add a link using rich text to any location you want
  6. Save your page
  7. Open the live preview
  8. Try the links one by one to check that they work

At the end of this exercise you should have added a link to another page, an anchor link to a section on the same page, an anchor link to a content item on the same page and an anchor link to a content item on a different page. You should also have some of the text on Text 005 linked to a location of your choosing.

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