📚 Resources

At this point, you’ve already read the following article(s), but a quick review might be helpful:

🎥 Tutorial


💻 Exercise

  1. Save “Training 1” page as a new page template titled “Newsletter Sign Up Training.”
    1. Save your page and open a Preview
    2. Notice the page appears as purple in the sidebar once it’s a page template.
  2. Duplicate “Newsletter Sign Up Training” and unlink it, saving it as “LP: Coming Soon.”
  3. Delete the “Newsletter Sign Up” section from “LP: Coming Soon.”
    1. Save your page and open a preview
    2. Notice the differences between the two previews
    3. Save this page as a new page template, also called “LP: Coming Soon”
    4. Notice the page again appears as purple in the sidebar once it’s a page template.
  4. Make sure your other page is called “Newsletter”

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<aside> ➡️ Visibility
