📚 Resources

Please read these knowledge base articles:

At this point, you’ve read the following helpful article:

💻 Exercise 1


  1. Create a new template with a different video source
  2. Add overrides for the video in the appropriate folder

When you have finished this training, you should have a new template in your library with an alternative video source. It should be overridable and the overrides should be organized in the appropriate folder.

💻 Exercise 2


  1. Unlink Hero 011
  2. Create a new templates with the option to hide or show video and images named as you wish.
  3. For both templates :
    1. Add a video that autoplays with no sound on loop
    2. Remove the play and pause icons
    3. Add a poster image
  4. Add overrides for:
    1. The video file
    2. Visibility of the video and the image that it is replacing